Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Feet

I got new boots!!! I was so excited when the package came today, it was like Christmas in February!!

I ordered these from (for an invite from me click HERE).  They are called "Mable" and are currently on sale for $23.97!

I love Shoe Dazzle! I've ordered another pair of shoes from them a couple of months ago and was itching to buy a new pair. They have affordable, good quality shoes so I encourage everyone to take a look and see if there is anything they like! shoes got delivered right as I was heading out the door to go to class so naturally I grabbed the box and tore it open so I could strut to class in my new shoes. I had to change my outfit and then stare at myself and my shoes in the mirror for a little bit which made me a little late to class but it was all in the sake of style.

So this is what I wore today. It was a Pinterest inspiration....and I am pretty proud of it. This style is a little out of the box for me so yay for exploring new fashion avenues!

Scarf: Target
Shirt: Old Navy
Chambray: Forever 21
Jeans: Old Navy

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